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RPA(english)/RPA and SQL(english)

(MS Power Automate Desktop) 1. Install MYSQL

by RPA 챗봇 2022. 6. 12.

SQL is available on MS POWER AUTOMATE DESKTOP. JavaScript, CSV file read, and more

Please keep that in mind.





MySQL :: Download MySQL Community Server

Select Operating System: Select Operating System… Microsoft Windows Ubuntu Linux Debian Linux SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Red Hat Enterprise Linux / Oracle Linux Fedora Linux - Generic Oracle Solaris macOS Source Code Select OS Version: All Windows (x86



First, go to the appropriate link



Press the appropriate mark


You can proceed with the download.


press "No thanks." The installation file will go down.

(2) Running the installation

For installation instructions, you can continue to click NEXT and EXCUTE. So I'll explain only the parts that might be confusing.


If you only download certain features or have knowledge of MYSQL, you can choose to suit your taste.
However, if this is your first time and you don't have much thoughts, please proceed with 'Developer Default'.


If it's your first time, don't touch the settings and press "NEXT" right away.


Creating a password and account for accessing MYSQL.

After writing the password you want, press the 'NEXT' button.
You don't have to create an account through 'Add User' to do it automatically.


When you press 'Check' after entering the password, if 'successed' appears, it is successfully appears.
After that, the whole process was over


If the program is executable, the MYSQL installation is complete. Thank you for your efforts.

In the following article, we will post how to install Heidi SQL that makes it easy to handle MySQL.
Heidi SQL must be installed for easy handling. Please watch it.

Thank you.

