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RPA(english)/RPA and SQL(english)

(MS Power Automate Desktop) 2. Install Heidi SQL

by RPA 챗봇 2022. 6. 12.

To use Heidi SQL, you must have MYSQL installed. Please refer to this article.

2022.06.12 - [RPA(english)/RPA and SQL(english)] - (Link RPA to SQL) 1. Install MYSQL


(Link RPA to SQL) 1. Install MYSQL

SQL is available on MS POWER AUTOMATE DESKTOP. JavaScript, CSV file read, and more Please keep that in mind. (1) MYSQL DOWN https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/ MySQL :: Download MySQL Community..







Download HeidiSQL

Ads were blocked - no problem. But keep in mind that developing HeidiSQL, user support and hosting takes time and money. You may want to send a donation instead. Download HeidiSQL 12.0, released on 12 Apr 2022 Please disable your adblocker and reload the p



Please go to the link


Sometimes the executable is automatically downloaded when you click the link
If not, please press the button to install it.



(2) Running the installation

There is nothing else to set, so please press NEXT continuously.

When the screen appears, the installation is complete.


You must click New to create an access account.


When installing MYSQL, you can enter the password you entered.

For IP, represents its own LOCAL IP, unless you want to connect to a DB on another computer
You don't have to change it.


If the next screen comes out, it's a success.

In the following article, we will talk about the RPA and MYSQL integration.

Thank you.

