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RPA(english)/RPA and SQL(english)

(MS Power Automate Desktop) 3. Connect SQL from Flow

by RPA 챗봇 2022. 6. 13.

1. MYSQL and Heidi SQL must be installed.

2022.06.12 - [RPA(english)/RPA and SQL(english)] - (Link RPA to SQL) 1. Install MYSQL


(Link RPA to SQL) 1. Install MYSQL

SQL is available on MS POWER AUTOMATE DESKTOP. JavaScript, CSV file read, and more Please keep that in mind. (1) MYSQL DOWN https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/ MySQL :: Download MySQL Community..



2022.06.12 - [RPA(english)/RPA and SQL(english)] - (Link RPA to SQL) 2. Install Heidi SQL


(Link RPA to SQL) 2. Install Heidi SQL

To use Heidi SQL, you must have MYSQL installed. Please refer to this article. 2022.06.12 - [RPA(english)/RPA and SQL(english)] - (Link RPA to SQL) 1. Install MYSQL (Link RPA to SQL) 1. Install MYSQ..




2. MS POWER AUTOMATE DESKTOP must be installed.

2022.06.11 - [RPA(english)/MS Power Automate(english)] - (Starting RPA)MS Power Automate Desktop DOWN


(Starting RPA)MS Power Automate Desktop DOWN

RPA means robotic processing automation, and it's easy to think about it, and you can always do what you have to do without a break Think of it as a work tool. Let's get down to business and learn h..





Connecting RPA to SQL



Run the downloaded Heidi SQL.

When installing MYSQL, the password is the same.



Create a database. We will connect to the RPA through the appropriate DB.


blog Create


2. 흐름 작성

Type SQL in the search window.

If the search results appear as above, drag 'Open SQL connection' to the next blank screen.



Enter the text below when the screen like above appears.

Driver={MySQL ODBC 8.0 UNICODE Driver};Server=;Port=3306;Database=blog;User=root;Password=****;Option=3;

Please put your DB name instead of 'blog'. In my case, I connected 'blog DB'.
You can enter your password in Password ****.



If the setting is complete, right-click 'Flow' and then press the button to execute it.



If the error message does not appear after execution and you see the same text as the captured copy above, the connection is successful.

Since you have successfully linked the RPA with SQL, the next article will teach you how to send SQL query statements.

Thank you.

